I've had two summers where our shelf temperatures went over 110 for a few days. The power of course went out, and I had a few questions around stable fixer concentrates that are neutral or alkaline. I've had the tops blow off of bottles, spectacularly blowing the contents of a bottle of platinum toner thru its packaging and two layers of wrapping.
I. Is there some sort of a powdered neutral or alkaline fixer that can be safely made, stored and used?
2. I develop infrequently and in fairly small batches. Mixing a litre of TF4 means it will go bad before I've been able to soup enough film to exhaust it, which means I waste a lot of chemistry. Is there some way to mix just enough fixer of sufficient strength to fix just six or ten rolls of film adequately?
Temperature Stable Neutral/Alkaline Fixer Concentrates or Powdered Neutral Fixers
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