Holga Camera Workshop in Rome

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Holga Camera Workshop in Rome

Post by sanchell »

I want to inform everyone about an exciting new workshop using low-tech cameras in Rome, September 6 to 8. This workshop is not about the camera per se; it is about how changing cameras can change your vision; the camera is simply a conduit.

In 1983, I photographed shopping center carnivals using a 5x7" Agfa-Ansco when I stumbled on a low-tech Diana camera in a toy store near my Hollywood studio. I didn't believe it would really work, but for $3.95, what the heck? See the two attached images and try to tell which one was with a view camera and which was from my first roll with the Diana camera (spoiler alert: the view camera image is the one in black and white).

The Holga Camera Workshop is sponsored by ars-imago International, a highly respected film camera store located in Rome and Zurich. It will be immediately followed by a street photography workshop, October 9 to 13, where you can use any camera, film, digital, cell phone, low-tech, hi-tech, or otherwise.

For more information, visit the workshop page on my website: https://anchellworkshops.com/holga-camera-workshop/.

I hope to see you there.
Anchell-Red Ride-1983-2.jpg
Anchell-Red Ride-1983-2.jpg (69.17 KiB) Viewed 1252 times
The_Monster_Show-02_07_1988-Manual.jpg (138.73 KiB) Viewed 1328 times
Do it in the Dark,

Steve Anchell
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