Darkroom Cookbook 5th edition

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Darkroom Cookbook 5th edition

Post by sanchell »

Greetings, All. I am working on the 5th edition of The Darkroom Cookbook. As readers of The Cookbook know, the goal is to share darkroom tools, tricks, and techniques so they are not lost or need to be rediscovered by future generations.

For this edition, I would like to invite members of the darkroom community to share anything they feel would be of benefit to future photographers. If you have something to share, please contact me. There is limited space so not everything submitted will be included, but I will try to get as much in as I can.

Thank you.
Do it in the Dark,

Steve Anchell
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Re: Darkroom Cookbook 5th edition

Post by tim.bowman »

Steve, Amazon has the 5th edition listed for an October release. Is that correct?

https://www.amazon.com/Darkroom-Cookboo ... 1032404868
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Re: Darkroom Cookbook 5th edition

Post by sanchell »

Thank you for asking, Tim. Focal is trying hard to get it out by then. I'll keep you posted when we get closer.
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Steve Anchell
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Re: Darkroom Cookbook 5th edition

Post by tim.bowman »

Thank you. Keeping my fingers crossed for a smooth path to print!
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Re: Darkroom Cookbook 5th edition

Post by sanchell »

The 30th Anniversary (5th) edition of DCB is in the final stages of production. If all goes well it will be available for preorder on December 9 from Amazon and the publisher, Focal Press, https://tinyurl.com/5awjr77p. The book has a lot of new material and most, if not all, errors found in previous editions have been corrected.

For those involved with alternative processes, I have rewritten the chapter on enlarged digital negatives to make it easy to follow and create negatives the first time. Mark Osterman has contributed a chapter on making a silver gelatin emulsion, Ed Buffaloe has a chapter on solarization, and there is a new chapter on master photographers' printing methods. I have written in-depth about the differences between sharpness and fine grain and how to achieve one or the other. There is a section on using LEDs for enlarging and another on split-printing from the out-of-print Variable Contrast Printing Manual has also been included.

If you use the DCB in your work, I recommend that you update to this edition.
30 Anniversary Cover.png
30 Anniversary Cover.png (712.34 KiB) Viewed 1501 times
Do it in the Dark,

Steve Anchell
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