Macbeth TD 904 Densitometer

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Macbeth TD 904 Densitometer

Post by sanchell »

The Macbeth TD 904 is a transmission densitometer used for color and b/w photographic and laboratory research applications. This unit is in excellent condition and comes with the original manual and a calibration negative (see the attached photo).

If you're looking for a top-of-the-line transmission densitometer for serious zone system work, this is it.


Gives Orthochromatic and Ultraviolet Responses
Filter indicators: Red, Green, Blue, Visual/Ortho and Ultraviolet
Original Manual included
Calibration negative included
Weight: Approximately 33 lbs.
Electrical requirements: 100-240 VAC/50-60 Hz
Environmental requirements: 50-104 degrees F; 10-80% Relative Humidity (Noncondensing)

$650 + shipping
Macbeth TD 904 Densitometer.png
Macbeth TD 904 Densitometer.png (409.69 KiB) Viewed 1256 times
Do it in the Dark,

Steve Anchell
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