Steve Anchell (sanchell)

We are proud to have the following photographers moderating this forum. If you feel you are qualified to moderate any of the forums please contact Steve Anchell (user name: sanchell).
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Joined: Mon Feb 13, 2012 8:47 am
Location: Oregon

Steve Anchell (sanchell)

Post by sanchell »

Steve Anchell has been in sixty exhibits, including twenty-eight solo exhibits. His three books, The Darkroom Cookbook, The Variable Contrast Printing Manual, and The Film Developing Cookbook are international photography bestsellers. Photo-Eye Books of Santa Fe named The Variable Contrast Printing Manual the best technical title of 1997.

Steve has worked in portrait and wedding photography, commercial/fashion, architecture, and fine art. From 2001 to 2003 he edited Photovision: art and technique magazine, the last magazine entirely devoted to film and photography. From 2006 to 2009 he edited Focus Fine Art Photography magazine.

He has taught photography and darkroom classes for Oregon State University, UC Santa Barbara, Santa Fe Photography Workshops, ICP in NYC, Toscana Photo Workshops, and many others. In 1999 he established Workshops in Montana for the Photographers’ Formulary.

He is a member of the Freestyle Board of Advisors.
Do it in the Dark,

Steve Anchell
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